Sunday 21 December 2014

Nara Yajna - for Fellow human beings

Nara Yajna - for Fellow human beings

Being compassionate towards other human beings, being sensitive to others feeling for others, loving others and caring for others is “Nara Yajna” or “Service”. Taking care of orphans and destitute children, caring for the sick, and helping in any way when someone is in distress are examples of Nara Yajna.
The philosophy of ‘Yajna’ is centered around the idea of Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) and emphasizes on creating a lifestyle that nourishes a sustainable developmental model. In a society where most people lead lives in tune with Yajna, there is hardly any need for NGOs. NGOs are external interventions and are like medicines to the human body.
 e.g: in USA, most NGOs are working on drugs, violence, teenage pregnancies, and broken families. Very few NGOs are working on primary education. Where as in India, most NGOs are working on primary education because that is what is ailing our society. NGOs must cater towards strengthening individuals and social institutions and not create vaccum in the social space that can be filled only by such an organization. We NGOs, must work in a self- dissolving manner and not become an indispensable part of society.                             

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing