Tuesday 26 November 2013

I just signed “An appeal to the Entire World: Kindly Observe November 25 as Meatless Day”

I just signed this petition and wanted to ask for your support. The more people who join the campaign, the more likely it is to win. Will you help by adding your name?

An appeal to the Entire World: Kindly Observe November 25 as Meatless Day

By Vijay Talreja
Pune, MH
In keeping up with the ideals of its founder, The Sadhu Vaswani Mission had launched the (S.A.K.) Campaign since 1986. The purpose of the campaign is to promote compassion, nonviolence & reverence for all life.
It is the first step towards World Peace, said Sadhu Vaswani - whose birthday, November 25, is now celebrated all over as International Meatless Day.
S.A.K. is spearheaded by Rev.Dada J.P Vaswani, Spiritual Mentor and Head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. The campaign has met with considerable success in that, every year, millions of individuals send their pledges to the Sadhu Vaswani Mission to go meatless on this day. Slaughter houses are humbly requested for the closure of slaughter-houses as well as butchers' shops on November 25 every year.
 Meat eating and world peace appear to be poles apart. Actually the two are interlinked. So long as animals and birds are slain to provide food for man, so long we will not see peace on the face of this Earth. The root cause of world wars is irreverence towards life.
In order to create an awareness in the minds of citizens about the Meatless Day campaign, You can support this noble cause by pledging to be vegetarin on November 25 by signing this petition.

It is important to be vegetarian because it is good for the health of the people. Secondly the issue of aesthetics as the idea of eating somebody being killed is itself unaesthetic and the most important thing is compassion, I believe that creation is one family – birds and animals are man’s younger brothers and sisters in the one family of creation and it is the duty of man to love and share the love with this younger brothers and sisters and it is the duty of every man to give the love of his heart to animals and birds, to guard them from the cruel knife of the butcher.

- Dada J.P. Vaswani.

Holy, holy, holy is every creature! Touch ye these children of the Lord with reverence and love! Harm them not! But serve them in deep humility!

- Sadhu Vaswani.

Sign Vijay’s petition                                     

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