Thursday 22 May 2014

FW:Muslims are secular, Hindus communal? "We Muslims have to change", says Dr Tawfik Hamid



"We Muslims have to change", says Dr Tawfik Hamid...
One lone sane voice in the wilderness...........

I am currently reading a biography of Prophet Muhammad and I must say I am not impressed with him.

1) First he married at the age of 25, a very much older Khadijah who was actually his employer. She employed him to go and do some business for her and was impressed that he managed to get good profits so she proposed to him.

2) During his marriage to Khadijah, he did not marry anyone else but impregnated one of his slaves, who bore one son to him, Ibrahim
In the book it says it was common practice for them to own slaves; have relations with them but do not acknowledge them as wives or mistresses. 
Children however were recognised.
The question is how many slaves did he have - basically how many women was he sleeping with but claiming he had only 1 wife?

3) Then when Khadijah died, he was 50 then (Khadijah 65) yet a FEW DAYS LATER married someone called Sowda / Saedah  (sorry I forget the name). The following year he married Aisha who was all of 6 years old but he is praised in the book that he did not consummate the marriage until she was 9 years old. He was 54 - old enough to be her grandfather! 

Over the following years, he married again and again. He had a total of 13 wives, 9 of whom were still alive when he died.

Of all 13 wives, Aisha was the only virgin. 

One of them was also the divorced wife of his adopted son. The book says Allah wanted to prove that Islam does not recognise adoption. So the person who Muhammad treated as his adopted son - was not so in Islam. To prove it, M could even marry the divorced "daughter-in-law"

If this is not perverted, what is?

Yet Muslims are limited to only 4 wives. According to the book, Muhammad was allowed to have more.

4) He did not provide for his wives. Aisha is quoted as saying that sometimes for as long as 3  months, the fire for cooking would not be lit in the house. What did they eat? Dates and water!!

5) How did they get people to accept religion? Not by preaching or teaching them how to lead good lives but by war. M was a war-monger. He approached tribe after tribe and threatened to kill them if they did not agree to follow Islam. With his army of soldiers, they roamed the desert looking for easy prey

6) Ka'aba was not built by him. It was actually built by Abraham (of the Bible fame) but by the time of Muhammad, people were praying to idols there. If it existed long before M was preaching his brand of religion  - how can it be  a religious symbol for Islam?

Ka'aba belongs to the Jews (Abraham was a Jew), not Muslims

7) There is constant reference to INFIDELS, those who were praying to Idols, etc
These people were scorned / threatened

When they say Islam is a religion of peace.............I am sorry I do not buy this. 

It is more a religion of hate, non acceptance of anyone else's right to choose their religion / way of life

8) And the Allah issue. All these people living at that time - Jews, infidels, Muslims referred to God as ALLAH. There was no issue with anyone using the word ALLAH when referring to the Supreme ! But suddenly in Malaysia, ALLAH is a muslim God

 "We Muslims have to change", says Dr Tawfik Hamid 

I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam.
After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on the globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of  the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to  speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward Non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars, to spread our religion and to
subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the mosques.
What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews "Descendants of the pigs and monkeys? Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate"
I have been into churches and synagogues where they were praying for Muslims. While all the time we curse them,
and teach our generations to call them infidels, and to hate them.
We immediately jump in a ?knee jerk reflex? to defend Prophet Mohammad when someone accuses him of being a
paedophile while, at the same time, we are proud with the story in our Islamic books, that he married a young girl seven years old (Aisha) when he was above 50 years old.
I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after September 11thand after many other terror attacks.
Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause. Till now our ?reputable? top religious authorities have never issued a Fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Sharia law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.
Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the Hejab (head scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders.
It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East.
We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them "Jews-Free countries" while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there, have its nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel, women can not be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of apostasy, while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights. I agree that the "Palestinians" suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel.
It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world. On the other hand, we used to see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel, its "enemy". If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening.
We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with human mankind. Our religious leaders have to show a clear and very strong stand against polygamy, paedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religions, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam.
Then, and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion. The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: "We Muslims have to change".

About the Author
Dr. Tawfik Hamid is an Islamic thinker and reformer who at one time was an Islamic Extremist from Egypt. 
He was a member of a terrorist Islamic organization Jamaa Islamiya with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who later became the second in command of Al-Qaeda.
Dr. Hamid, who is also known as Tarek Abdelhamid, has a medical degree in Internal Medicine and a Master's Degree in Cognitive Psychology and Educational Techniques.
Currently Dr. Hamid is a Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and President of the Global Movement Against Radical Islam. Dr. Hamid is also the author of Inside Jihad.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing