Thursday, 15 May 2014

VEGETARIANISM, Excellent speech, unbeatable arguments

The SPEECH in the email being forwarded, of a person from Western world IS PAR EXCELLNCE AND CONTAINS UNBEATABLE ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF VEGETARIANISM.

Nobody can deny that meat of animals, birds, farmed fish fed by humans has cancer causing growth hormones to increase the quantity of meat per animal/bird/fish. The  meat of the fish rivers/oceans contains deadly metals like mercury arsenic etc because of industrial pollutants in the river /ocean waters.

The fish, even after refrigeration emits foul smell which is the result of rot that has set in after its death. WILL HUMAN LIKE EAT FOUL SMELLNG FRUIT/VEGETABES. If not why foul smelling fish?
Go on forwarding it to ensure fitness/heath of humans and to save our planet earth from ruin.

via: B K DHIR

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing