Monday 9 December 2013


Antecedents Of Tarun Tejpal.........

 Who actually is this seemingly difficult to touch, powerful, politically-connected man, going by the name Tarun Tejpal?

 Tarun, is actually the son of a very powerful Indian National Congress committee member from the state of Punjab. The father is also a Congress MLA in the Punjab Legislative Assembly, who has a notorious reputation of being an alleged high profile extortionist.

 His mother is the real sister of Kapil Sibal, the Union Law Minister. There is no need to say anything more about this relationship as everything can be understood.

 Can we all, believe that justice will be finally delivered to that courageous Jr Journalist whose family is now alleged to be hounded by intimidators asking for an out-of-court settlement, at whatever cost. It is a 'You name the price' offer? Who do you feel, will have he financial might to broker and sponsor such a deal?

 Fearing the Congress Party reaction and the political fallout, no media including the more forthcoming news channels, have till date, either referred to this, or have found any reason to talk about this, as it can be argued to be irrelevant to the current context.

 One can only spread the word, about the multiple pressures, behind closed doors, a 'truth' faces, before coming out in the open. Forwarding this bit of information, might spread useful awareness, in our enlightened population.

 When will all this brushing under the carpet, because some 'powerful' people are involved, STOP??

 Who and how many are these so called powerful people? Where is their power coming from? Who gave them the power? Why do they feel they are powerful? Does their power mean they can abuse their power to supress and subvert the truth?

 Please be proactive in catalysing a meaningful change in our society. Do not allow such corrupted and crippling 'power-centres' to exist. Do what it takes to change the status quo!!!!

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing