Friday 20 December 2013

Important message for senior citizens

Important message for senior citizens

1.     Your Date of birth is just a record and some information for some purpose only.

2.     Your aging is based on your biological/psychological conditions only.
3.     Keep yourself engaged and have self confidence and develop healthy habits.

4.     Be psotive and optimistic in your attitude.
        Love everyone and be cheerful..

5.     Keep care of your health not to be a burden to your kith and kin. 

6.     If you don’t have try best to take  health insurance coverage.

7.     Keep some money under your control for your basic needs.

8.     Dont spend beyond your means for anyone.

9.     Relaxation Recreation is a must.
        Develop religious attitude.

10.  Sleep well, listen to music and laugh with friends  and others.

11.  Time is precious. 
       Plan it properly and visit  places friends.

12.  Every day is a bonus. Understand its importance and enjoy.

13.  Never be afraid of death.
       It is inevitable and none can escape it.

14.  Learn modern techniques and avail facilities. Change is the only permanent thing.

15.  Forget Forgive. Take life easily and lightly.

16.  Everything has a purpose: Accept what comes.

17.  Treat everyone alike.
       Everyone is unique and right in his own way.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing