Friday 18 April 2014

Multi benefits of Kapaal Bhaati [Tummy excercise]

Dear Every body,

Kapaal means face and head and Bhaati means "Glow". THIS EXCERCISE done over empty stomach or 5 hours after meals, BRINGS NATURAL GLOW ON THE FACE OBVIATING THE USE OF CANCER CAUSING "Cancer Causing" COSMETICS.

According to the world renowned Yoga Guru Baba Rmdevji's daily telecasts on Zee TV and Aastha TV, this excercise of backward and forward tummy strokes while keeping the back and neck erect, brings about the following benefits harmlessly and "Cost free".

1. It reduces the weight of over-weight people by one gram with each stroke and incerases the weight of "under-weight" people by one gram per stroke.
2.It improves digestive function of the stomach resulting in increased absorbtion of nuitrients[ in the foods eaten] by the body's blood stream.

3. It dislodges any thing sticking to the inside walls of the intestines and pushing these and other waste products of the meals for quick exit out of the body.

4.It reactivates the function of pancreas to produce natural insulin thus reducing the dependance on harmful allopathic medicines being taken by those suffering from diabetese.

5.It shrinks the size of enlarged prostate thus reducing the sleep disturbing knightly visits to the toilet and giving protection against prostate cancer. I HAVE MYSELF BENEFITED IN THIS REGARD. I was, ten years ago, advised biopsy for prostate cancer.I refused to undergo the same fearing spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body and started doing Kapaal Bhaati regularly AND AM NOW FREE OF ALL MY PROSTATE SYMPTOMS.

6 Those who say they are very busy and do not find time for rexcercise, I would say, where there is will, there is a way. FINDING 5 MINUTES OUT OF TWENTY FOUR HOURS TO DO KAPAAL BHAATI SHOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM. HEALTH IS WEALTH. YOU WILL BE ABLE EARN ONLY IF YOU CONTINUE TO KEEP FIT AND ENJOY THE EARNINGS IN A STATE OF FITNESS.

7. Falling sick means losing the wages for the period of sickness and be saddled with expenses on doctor's bills and on medicines.

Pass this on to others and near and dear ones.

Source: Shri.B K DHIR

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing