Tuesday 20 May 2014

Arogya Bharati proposes to create a Bharatiya Healthcare Policy Document

Saprem Namaskar.Greetings from Arogya  Bharati.

Arogya Bharati proposes to create a Bharatiya Healthcare Policy Document and requests your active participation in this national cause.Need for this effort & broad outlines of the plan are mentioned below.

Need for this effort: 
We all know how the policy making has been made 'Anti-Bharatiya'; during the last 60 years in general and the last 10 years in particular. Degree of corruption varies from department to department, but looking at healthcare we notice that here the policies are completely turned on their head. Just to give one example, 80% of our society';s morbidity load is due to diseases caused by lack of safe drinking water, lack of sanitation, lack of balanced diet & lack of prevention from communicable diseases. However rather than spending 80% of budget on preventive primary healthcare addressing the above issues [as would be expected], 80%of budget is spent on reactive medicare delivery establishments, drugs & devices which has no connection to above problems.The cause is known to all of us. Many more such examples are there, which requires urgent course correction.
Broad Outlines of Document Creation Plan:
·  A group of eminent healthcare professionals with nationalist mindset will work in a collaborative way to create this document.

·   Each participant will share his/her views with all participants of this exercise, which will be reviewed & modified by peers in a transparent way.

·  Subject wise sub-committees are planned finalization of which is the first activity of this exercise. The groups will finalize their group specific document.

·  Arogya Bharati working in this field for long, will lead this effort.
We look forward to learned thought leaders like you to contribute to this exercise and make the proposed Bharatiya Health Policy Document a truly broad-based national document
Kindly send your comprehensive  views before 31st May 2014
With warm regards, 
Dr. Ramesh Gautam
National General Secretary, Arogya Bharati,

Dr.Vinoy Singh 
Coordinator,Bharatiya Health Policy Document Creation Team,Arogya Bharati

Mob.09663599333 email: drvinoy@gmail.com

via:Ramesh Gautam gautam_m27@rediffmail.com

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