Tuesday 24 June 2014

Who made Singapore corruption Free?

A life well-lived is respected the world over. Not only they make humanity proud but they become jewels of humanity.

“Man of Vision and courage SM LEE yesterday received the Inaugural Global Integrity Medal from the Kaulalampur Society for Transparency and Integrity, the Malaysian Chapter of the Berlin based anti-corruption coalition group, ‘Transparency International. It said: The Global Integrity Medal awarded to Lee Kuan Yew, senior minister, the Government of the Republic of Singapore, in recognition of his incredible success, as Prime Minister, in stamping out corruption in Singapore.”

In the process, he transformed Singapore, within a remarkably short time, into an island of integrity. It is therefore, entirely appropriate that he should be the first recipient of this newly-instituted award intended specifically to honor statesmen and women, and other high public officials whose integrity and personal commitment to confront corruption have made a positive and decisive difference to the lives of the people for whose well-being they are responsible.

The story of Singapore as we know it today is the story of vision, courage and determination of an exceptional man who set out deliberately to create and sustain a society that puts a premium on high standards of public behaviour.

The fact that Singapore occupies so consistently a place of honor at the top table of countries perceived to be least corrupt in the world according to Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, year in and year out, owes much to solid ethical foundation that he laid those many years ago here in Singapore.

In endorsing this award, the chairman of Transparency International, Dr.Peter Eigen said,: “The role of Lee Kuan Yew in fighting corruption in Singapore is well known and is considered an important model for fighting against corruption.”

We gathered here today to pay homage tribute to a gifted and distinguished son of Asia of whom we are all enormously proud because, in both his private and public, he symbolizes, in the fullest measure, the Excellency of man.

In honoring him, we also honour integrity, transparency and accountability, the essentials of good governance for which Singapore is so much admired throughout the world. He has made it all so perfectly clear to us that “Integrity is no longer the luxury of the virtuous; it is a business necessity.”

It is my privilege, Sir, to present to you the Transparency International Malaysian Global Integrity Medal which has been specially designed by Royal Selongor for just this occasion, as a token of our highest esteem and regard for your outstanding contribution to global integrity.”

(Source: The Sunday Times, September 17, 2000)

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