Saturday, 10 October 2015

A Sizeable part of the Society is watching us - Man. Bhaiyaji Joshi, based on his interview

Ma. Suresh Sadashiv Joshi affectionately known as bhaiyaji is the present Sarkaryawah of RSS. He hails from Indore. He completed his education while in Service in Dombivli ( Dist - Thane). Since 1975 he has been working as Sangh  Pracharak and has wide experience in Sewa Vibhag of RSS. From Maharashtra Prant Sewa Pramukh to All India Sewa Pramukh he has shouldered many responsibilities in the area of sewa karyas and while doing so has acquired acumen of various facets of sewa activites. Presented are the main points emerging from discussions held with him.

When the Sewa Vibhag was planned by RSS and what was the thought behind setting up the same?

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been working since last 88 years. During this period RSS has spread its work in different fields. Through its work ethics and its motto, RSS has been able to build up a group of useful, awakened and cultured people in the society. This has been the path on which RSS is working. In the same way RSS has a system of exchanging the virtues among all. In this process of sharing the virtues the Swayamsevaks hold discussions on various subjects.

The Swayamsevaks are enriched with the thought of ‘Our Country’ ‘Our Society’ and that its joys and sorrows are my own, its challenges are mine too. This upbringing of the swayamsevaks has resulted in the Swayamsevaks naturally offering their services to the society in times of calamities – natural or created by man, whether it be an accident, earthquake, flood or an epidemic.

The Founder of RSS - Dr. Keshav Baliram Pant Hedgewar, while in his educating years in Kolkata had helped the flood affected victims of Damodar River along with his friends. Latter he assisted the patients affected by plague in Nagpur by visiting them door to door. These visits left a deep impact on the minds of the numerous Swayamsevaks visiting the shakhas. This process of sewa karyas through shakhas continued between 1950 -1952. After the imposition of first ban on RSS, some swayamsevaks commenced many sewa karyas as per the needs of the Society, be it the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram in Jashpur, the Bharatiya Kushtha Nivarak Sangh in Champa to serve the leprosy affected people or the Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram in Talasary to bring about awareness through education among the vanvasis. The Swayamsevaks participated with enthusiasm in all these programs.

In times of calamities facing the society, Swayamsevaks assisted the victims with full vigour.  But it was realized that some sections of the society are always surrounded by miseries and are compelled to lead a life of poverty and sufferings.   The Swayamsevaks felt it was their duty to bring about a transformation in these masses through education and sanskar.  In 1989, on the occasion of birth centenary of Dr. Hedgewar it was resolved to give an impetus to Sewa programs. The society was appealed to contribute generously for the sewa programs the swayamsevaks are likely to start in the near future, to which response of the masses was very positive. As a result, post 1989 the RSS set up Sewa Vibhag.

Which are the important steps in the working of Sewa Vibhag?

RSS conducts ‘Shakhas’ throughout the country in which young, children and the adults participate. Through these Shakhas, apart from good sanskars, a healthy secured environment in and around Shakha is automatically created which keep the society united.

The Swayamsevaks made efforts to enrich the society with this culture through their daily interactions. Between 1990-1995 major strides were taken to develop further ’Service to the Society’ attitude. During the birth Centenary Celebrations of Dr. Hedgewar the then Sarsanghachalak, Param Poojniya Balasaheb  Deoras proclaimed that in future  RSS would start 5000 sewa projects. The 5000 sewa projects have now scaled upwards to 1.40 lakhs and can be witnessed everywhere.

In the present context the sewakarya can be divided in two time eras:
1)      1989 to 2000 – expansion of sewa           
2)      2000 to 2013 – strengthening reaffirmation   
                            of sewa karyas

Through this process gained experience to register sewa karyas within the Govt. rules and regulations and ledto setting up of various organizations in different states.  But various states had already started implementing programs through organizations e.g. Jan Kalyan Samiti in Maharashtra, Jan Samiti in Andhra Pradesh, Hindu Sewa Pratishthan and Rashtrothan Parishad in Karnataka.  Some orgnisations were set up during famine and in some others for the benefit of vanvasis.  After 1995, karyakartas in different states set up organizations as per necessities of sewa activities in that prant. Sewa karyas were started all over the country in the name of Sewa Bharati. In addition, the swayamsevaks in various states commenced small programs such as blood group examination, health check up, study classes and library for school going children which were encouraged by the society.  On the lines of Sewa Bharati and Jan Kalyan Samiti at the national level the swayamsevaks registered their organizations at the district and taluka levels and commenced different sewa activities.  Presently there are more than 1000 registered organizations which are doing sewa activities in their respective areas through different programs.

What type of relation is there between RSS and the Organisations set up with its inspiration?
In the social circle RSS is looked as the coordinator by these working organizations and also the workers of these organizations consider themselves as swayamsevaks, the reason being these organizations have been started by swayamsevaks.  These organizations are independent but being supported and inspired by RSS, the karyakartas of these organistions work with a sense of responsibility as on a swayamsevak. These organizations, though independent, are following the right path under the able guidance of swayamsevaks.
It is exemplary that none of the sewa karyas are being done by RSS directly, but by swayamsevaks through various organizations.  The swayamsevaks do plan regularly different programs in the shakhas.  The number of such pograms planned are on the increase.  Such programs are held by organizing/collecting small sums of money by swayamsevaks themselves.  There are many programs which do not require accessories in plenty except the time.  Programs on education, health check up, cultural centers are conducted by shakhas all over the country.  All these programs are recorded separately.  These programs though number more than 5000, are not included in 1.40 lacs programs mentioned above.

What was the necessity to set up sewa sansthas?
For undertaking any service oriented program funds are required to be raised as per Government’s Rules, as also permission is required to be sought from the Government before commencement.  The swayamsevaks have accordingly set up organizations as per Government Rules.  There are two reasons for setting up sewa sansthas in the RSS set up:
1.       For rendering any service to the society, funds are required and in the RSS set up there is no process to raise such financial resources.
2.       Also in the RSS set up, there is no provision for women participants whereas in the service organizations women have played a significant role.
RSS has laid down the principle of ‘problem centric and result oriented planning’ for formulating schemes before all the voluntary organizations in the country.

What is the Sewa Sansthas’ basic object of sewa karya?
The basic object of sewa sansthas can be split into three stages:
1.       To provide basic amenities to common man, which he is deprived of.
2.       These basic amenities are to be provided by the society itself.
3.       Requirement of karyakartas who can do sewa karya with affinity.
In this process karyakartas are required who can realize the problems faced by the society and work towards their solution.  Through the RSS set up a large number of karyakartas have been mobilised.  Presently sewa karyas are being done in the areas of education, health check up and self-reliance. Not only that small sewa karyas are required, large type of projects are also required.  These sewa karyas can be divided in three stages:
1.       Small scale – these programs can be taken up with limited funds and karyakartas.
2.       Medium scale – require larger resources as well as more number of karyakartas.
3.       Large scale – are programs such as setting up of hospitals, hostels, residential schools, Blood
 Bank, eye bank etc.

RSS inspired organizations do sewa karyas by going through the roots of the problem.  With this view point ‘Balkalyan’ is one such project which is run for street children.  Similarly at some places self-reliance programs are being run for leprosy affected patients.  Under self-reliance programs a large number of Self Help Groups have been set up across the country in which apart from financial knowledge various thought provoking programs are undertaken.  Also under the health programs more than 10,000 ‘Arogya Rakshaks’ are rendering health services. In the field of education work of ‘Ekal Vidyalayas’ is noteworthy.  There is a vast net work of ‘Ekal Vidayalayas’ in vanavasi areas, numbering over 25,000. There is lack of media attention towards RSS inspired seva karyas, still how do you get public support? Although there is no media attention on RSS inspired seva organizations due to their persistent apathy for years, but it has no affect on working of the RSS.  Swayamsevaks work continuously facing all odds with commitment.  The local populace is well aware of these facts and have accepted these seva karyas wholeheartedly.  They say RSS represents ‘Ready for Selfless Service’.  This is the certificate awarded by the people at large. The karyakartas work relentlessly and without paying any heed to the lack of attention by the media and the good results are visible.  The common people are positive towards the RSS inspired programs undertaken by organizations and always extend their helping hand to any of the programs supported by RSS.  This is the reason that all such programs where Government aid is available only to a maximum extent of 15%, rest is mobilized with people’s support.  In the Seva Sangam held by Rashtriya Seva Bharati in 2010 in Bangalore, Shri Shree Ravi Shankerji and Swami Ramdevji attended the Sangam.  What type of relationship these dignitaries have with RSS? In our society there are a number of organizations engaged in rendering services to it.  However the RSS swayamsevaks do not compete with them but instead provide a supporting role to them.  Exchange of thoughts and deeds constantly take place with such organizations because RSS swayamsevaks do not consider such organizations as competitors.In our country a number of service oriented programs are being carried out with the blessings of eminent personalities and organizations have in turn benefitted with their blessings.  RSS maintains positive and proactive thoughts towards these organizations rather viewing them as a competitor.  This  is the reason that various organizations participated in the Seva Sangam on their own.

What is the difference between seva karyas done by RSS inspired seva sansthas and other NGOs?
The difference between RSS inspired seva organizations and other NGOs run by missionaries, Muslim community are two fold:
1.       Other NGOs many a time, are dependent on Government assistance, whereas RSS supported organizations are dependent on co-operation from the society.
2.       RSS inspired service organizations work not only for providing seva but for bringing about transformation, whereas other NGOs consider service as their goal.
RSS insists that for seva karyas the finance and other resources are raised by proper means to have desired results.  So the sources for raising funds are also effectively monitored.  Whereas some particular NGOs offer services to promote their religion.

Seva Vibhag has completed 25 years of inception.  What is your message to Karyakartas who are connted with Sewa Karya?
For the last 25 years Sangh swayamsevaks are actively engaged in sewa activities.  Utilizing the different opportunities, swayamsevaks have provided momentum to the sewa programs by increasing their number to 1.40 lacs at present from a mere 5,000 programs in 1995.  We firmly believe that the sewa activities do not stop for want of resources.  Devoted karyakartas are required all the time to run such activities.  RSS always insists on the quality of these activities rather than the number and also on bringing about transformation in the society.  Through the medium of sewa karyas not only the needs of the society is satisfied but also it develops a sense of self confidence and self reliance among the beneficiaries.Keeping in view the potential donors in the society, swayamsevaks should aim at resolving he various issues in the society satisfactorily.
The Swayamsevaks should always remember that to bring about the desired transformation in the society and to win the hearts of the masses we should be very humble and polite while interacting with its various sections.  Our success will be determined by thetransformation brought about in persons we are in contact with.  I always appeal that the swayamsevaks should focus on the result rather than the publicity.
Today in the country there are large sections of society who are looking at us with expectations.  

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