Monday 1 August 2016

Seva Sahayog Foundation - School Kit Donation Drive 2016

This  time of the year corporate world comes together to gift smiles to school children from the economically backward families. This year more than 250 volunteers  from the corporate world along with their kids and families  are working every Saturday and Sunday to assemble the kits at  various assembly locations in Pune, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.

        The School Kit Donation drive is organized by Seva Sahayog Foundation in several companies in and around Pune. Started in 2008, the drive has been receiving better response year after year. Last year more than 50000 school kits were distributed to children from different places from 20 districts in Maharashtra with the  help of over 320 NGOs. 500 Kits were distributed to schools in the  border region of J & K through help of 22 Rajput Regiment of Indian Army. This year, Seva Sahayog estimates the donations to cross the 60000 mark.

       Around 85 companies from Mumbai & Pune are participating in the event. The speciality of this collective initiative is that it is organized by the employees of one corporate house , for  employees of other  corporate houses.    Seva Sahayog is a group of like-minded people  from the corporate world who came together to do something for the society. With the  help of several NGOs, the organization conducts several programs such as the School Donation Drive and works as a link to channelize the aid to the needy sections of the society. Apart from the School Kit Donation drive, programmes such as  Arogyadoot (ambulance service in remote rural places), Seva Fair etc, have been implemented by
Seva Sahyog last year.

          For the School Kit Donation Drive, contributions from each company are being collected by interested coordinators within these companies. After the collection of the contributions, interested employees from different companies volunteer to help in assembling the school kits .Like every year, the kits will be distributed before the schools reopen, on June 16, 2016. The outcome is that  students from remote rural areas get the incentive to study further. It reduces the  number of school drop outs.

For more information, please visit:

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing