Monday, 19 December 2016

Amar Seva Sangam-Fundraising Porgramme by HCI for ASSA

Dear All!

On Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 Handi-care Intl. (HCI) is hosting its annual fundraising dinner. Over the years, HCI has done incredible work in the area of disability advocacy and awareness. Through the continued generosity of its donors, HCI has helped to bring quality education and rehabilitation to hundreds of rural children with special needs. This year, HCI is focused on raising money to support an Early Intervention and Sensory Integration Centre (EI Centre) at Amar Seva Sangam, Ayikudy (India).
The EI Centre identifies children under the age of five who have missed major developmental milestones and provides them with much needed rehab services as early as possible. Please join us for a night of dinner and entertainment as we work together to continue supporting children in need. Your help and support is highly solicited.

Amar Seva Sangam

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing