Saturday 17 December 2016

Jal Vardhini-Rain Water Resource Center at MKSSS AT SHIRGAON--Ratnagiri

Started Developing Rain Water Resource Center at Shirgaon---Ratnagiri.
Rainwater Management & how to use Rain water as a source of water for all rural activities.
Photo 1343 ------- completed Geo Membrane lined Tank----capacity about 20,000 liters

                 Photo 1346 ------- Trustee showing different types of fibers and Chicken mesh and Wield mesh to 
                                               Aganwadi Mahila Teacher from kokan region

            Photo 1348 ------- Trustee explains how to develop Geo membrane lined Tank and its cost to
                                         Aganwadi Mahila Teacher from kokan region
  Photo 1349 ------- Trustee explains how to construct Fero cement tank above ground to
                          Aganwadi Mahila Teacher from kokan region

Photo 1353,1354,1356,1358 Different stages of construction of two different 1400 liter capacity Fero cement Tank
Photo 1380 & 81  Shri Patawardhan Prakalp Pramukh,Shri Damale and others visited site on 31st August 2013
                          at same time Shri Konkar Editor Sakal--Local Ratnagiri edition and Shri Deepak Khanhere
                          M.D. Shashwat Oorja Pvt. Ltd.---Phalatan were also present
                                                 Photo 1396 -------  Coconut  Coir

                                                     Photo 1397 -------  Banana Fiber


                                                   Photo 1398 -------  Flax ( Ambadi ) Fiber

more details login website Jal Vardhini Prathishthan

With Regards,
Trustee--Jal Vardhini Pratishthan
Cell: 09820788061

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing