Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Please note this as it's very important for al

*Dear All:  Please note this as it's very important for all.  Shared by a doctor: For those who get up at night from sleep to urinate or early in the morning.*

*Each individual must take note of the three 1/2 minutes.*

*Why is it important? Three 1/2 minutes will greatly reduce the number of sudden deaths.*

*Often this occurs: a person who still looks healthy has died in the night.*

*Often we hear stories of people who say, "Yesterday, I was chatting with him. Why did he suddenly die?*

*The reason is that when you wake up at night to go to the bathroom, it is often done in a rush.*

*Immediately we stand, and the brain lacks blood flow.*

*Why are "Three 1/2 minutes" very important?*
*In the middle of the night, when you are awakened by the urge to urinate for example, the ECG pattern can change.*

*Because in getting up suddenly, the brain will be anaemic and causes heart failure due to lack of blood.*

*You are advised to practice the "Three 1/2 minutes," which are:*

*1. When waking from sleep, lie in bed for the 1st 1/2 minute;*

*2. Sit in bed for the next 1/2 minute;*

*3. Lower your legs, sitting on the edge of the bed for the last half-minute.*

*After three 1/2 minutes, you will not have anaemic brain and heart will not fail, reducing the possibility of a fall and sudden death.*

*Share with family, friends & loved ones.*

*It can occur regardless of age; young or old.*

*Sharing is Caring. If you already know, regard this as a refresher."*

Please try to forward this important Health tip to all your groups, and you/your family also should follow it.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing