Saturday 19 July 2014

FW: SURA SOI Siachen

SURA SOI Siachen....
The World's Hiighest Battlefield. !!
Please pause for a few moments for the pictures to download.
The Siachen glacier is usually regarded as the world's highest battlefield.
With both India and Pakistan claiming the glacier, thousands of soldiers from both countries are stationed in the area.
It borders the Pakistani- and Indian-administered portions of disputed Kashmir. (All photos by Prashant Panjiar)
The Siachen glacier and the Saltoro ridge
Indian soldiers are seen at the Forward Logistics Base.
The glacier has been in the news recently with the deaths in April of about 140 people, most of them soldiers,
on the Pakistani side in an avalanche. Soon after, Pakistan's army chief said Pakistan favoured talks with
India to demilitarise Siachen. The two countries have already held 12 rounds of talks over the disputed glacier
Indian soldiers are seen at one of the shelters by the glacier, with the Saltoro ridge in the background
Indian soldiers patrol the Siachen glacier
Photographer Prashant Panjiar was given rare access to the Indian side in 2005, when he took these photos
Indian troops near the Siachen glacier
Indian air force Cheetah helicopter drops off supplies at the helipad of the FLB (Forward Logistics Base)
India and Pakistan agreed to a ceasefire over the Siachen glacier in 2003 but thousands of troops are still deployed
in the region. Supplies must be flown in to the Forward Logistics Base by helicopter. India believes that
the glacier is of great strategic and diplomatic value.
Indian soldiers train on the Siachen glacier.
A sign declaring the glacier the world's highest battlefield.
Indian soldiers adjust to the high altitude by training on an ice wall at the snout of the Siachen glacier
A sign at the snout of the glacier declares it to be the world's highest battlefield.
Near the memorial for soldiers who have died at Siachen.
The Siachen War Memorial on the bank of the Nubra river at the Siachen Base camp.
More soldiers have died from the harsh conditions in Siachen than in combat. A war memorial on the bank
of the Nubra river is inscribed with the names of all the Indian soldiers who have died on the glacier.

Dear Everyone,

I SALUTE, each and every Indian Soldier,

Alive, or who Died, Fighting and WINNING

against Pakistan, for...'Siachen'....

The World's Highest Battlefield.!!!!!!

The recent proposal by Pakistan, to make 'Siachen',

a 'NO MAN ZONE' should NEVER be considered.!!

It would be an Insult, and a Mockery to the Indian

Men In Arms, (Dead And Living !) who fought...

'SO HARD, FOR INDIA'... to even consider

this proposal!!!!!


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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing