Monday 21 July 2014



Thanks for listening to pulse of people. Now next step should be nominate efficient leaders (not politicians) for each constituency. You do the right selection and youth of this country will campaign for you voluntarily. We are frustrated and looking for a change and change can be bought in by BJP only.  Thanks for all the great work you guys have been doing in the country.
I was wondering how BJP should start the revamp of economy. I was thinking of the way companies present their financials YOY. Mean to say it would be great if the government can mention on current statuesque of the economy in simpler words to people of India and roadmap /goals for one year to bring it to certain expected level and review it once in 6 months. This would help to keep watch on people's pulse. Please work hard and aim for decades than one 5 year term.

 It’s a dream come true for the true Indians. It’s a win for modi leadership. Lot of inefficient MPs have won just based on Modi wave, so it is important for all to support Modi in his effort for development. But in long term interest for BJP all MPs should work selflessly. Please continue this journey for decades and not focus on only 5 years. Also now BJP has gained a impression of being a secular party. so please don't use this win for unwanted issues.

I am Krish.Sunil Kumar, 31 years old and India Citizen frustrated by the Indian Economy pulse and always been a embedded fan of BJP. But thought the new BJP post Atalji is more of a diluted version with lot of ambiguity and chaos. I always had a hope of BJP returning power in Delhi since last two elections,  but I believe the chaos of leadership has always hurted the party very much. This is not only benefiting other parties to take a pie of your votes, but also causing the aam jantha ambiguity on whom to vote. Now a days people dont care which party person belongs to, but they looks for person background (Education, What his investment interests are, How he has reached to current status). Good example would be the Mr.Krishne Byregowda from Byatraynpura constituency for whom the software folks also did campaign volunteerly, wherein the BJP candidate as well as JD(S) candidate were with less education background as well as their investments were mostly in real estate.
Corruption has always been the issues with most of the partis, but BJP used to be a party with difference during Atalji time. It has been disappointing that there is no consensus within the party on PM candidate still. 

Please listen to the pulse of people and make sure you select a young good leader (Not a politician) and clean candidates making 50% of constituents. Best way to do is to do a survey constituency wise and get a sampling feel on whom people want to be the prime minister and this needs to be done in a very confidential way. Only ethical leaders of election committee should have access to the results and decision needs to be taken asap. Remember the negative campaign by one party has always helped the  other party. Please keep your issues specific to economy, development, less corruption for coming election and you make sure you reach those commitments. We do not want to go back to one family based politics or some prince to rule us.

Sangh guide BJP in right direction and not listen to few persons
 opinions which compliment their personal interests.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing