Tuesday 23 August 2016

How many #Indian soldiers and civilians have been killed by terrorists and Pakistan since Modi became prime minister?

Today I want to share a real story of change In Indian Army since Modi has become our PM.

I was on J&K visit last month.While returning back to Delhi, I met this guy on Jammu Station. He sat beside me. We both were waiting for our train. He started doing something in his mobile phone. When I noticed, he was watching a video of terrorist encounter. I realized that he was a soldier.

I started a conversation by asking him, “Are you in Indian Army?” He said “Yes.” He also asked about me & our conversation started.
He told me that he joined the Army when he was 19 years old & from last one year he hadn't visited his home. The happiness of returning back to Delhi after a year was reflected on his face.

He told me that he has a 2 yrs old son & he was very happy as he was going to see him after a year.

So after a brief introduction, I asked him about that video.
The soldier started sharing his experience with me . By God's grace, our train was delayed by 2 hours.

He told me that his posting is at Kanoli Chowki, which is hardly at 2 Kms distance from LOC.

As I was on vacation, I told him about my experience in Kashmir. I shared my experience in Sonmarg & Pehalgam with him. I told him that “Yes, it is true, that Kashmir is a  heaven on Earth.”
He smiled with surprise.

He explained me the situation. He told me that it is good to be a tourist in Kashmir but it is worst to be a Soldier. Kashmir may be a Heaven for our Pseudo Journalists but Hell for Amarnath Yatris. He explained the Kashmiriyat of Kashmiris in true manner.

He played that Encounter video again & started briefing about that.
He told me their team was on regular patrolling & then they got input that there were few militants present in one of the houses which were under their monitoring zone. When they started the search operation in that area & entered in that particular house the heavy bullets fire started. Before Army got ready to retaliate, one soldier was martyred. It took them 7 hours to complete that operation. After the successful encounter, the news spread in that area like a fire & the mob of around 3000 people came there & started protesting against Indian Army. They started stone pelting making the movement of injured soldiers to hospital difficult.

He told me that out of 4 terrorists, one was most wanted & Army was searching for him since last 4 yrs. Around 10000 Kashmiris participated in his funeral procession.

He was getting emotional about the death of his team mate during that encounter by saying,
“I don’t know which bullet is made for me too.”

I told him that India stands with Indian Army. Because of people like him & those martyred soldiers, India is safe today.

He started explaining about situation in Kashmir. He told me that Indian Government is doing so much for Kashmiri people to bring them in main stream. From education to branded clothes, Government is supplying them every basic thing. But in return, they allow terrorists to stay in their houses & support them.

From our discussion on  Kashmir, we started talking about Narendra Modi & from this account, you can understand the present situation in Kashmir & How government is taking care of our soldiers.

He told me that when Salman Khan came to Kashmir for shooting of Bajrangi Bhaijan, Indian Army provided him an additional security. Even while shooting when he got injured, it was Indian Army who offered him the treatment but Salman didn't even talk with soldiers. He did not allow any soldier any photographs with him.

On the other side, he told me that when Narendra Modi came to Kashmir during Diwali, he stayed with soldiers in their camp. During night when his security personnel asked him to come out of the camp due to security reason, he told them that he was more safe with Indian Army & spent his whole night with soldiers.

Modi asked every soldier about their problems & said that “If they think that what they are doing is right, then don’t wait for anyone’s permission”

While talking about Narendra Modi Government's defence policy, he told me that in 2014, 1200 soldiers were martyred during terrorist encounters but in 2015 that count was just 140–150.

Today Army don’t think twice because they know that Government is with them.

He told me that from good weapons to bullet proof jackets, Modi is doing every possible things for Indian Army.

He told me that,
Indians always look for big things, but nobody thinks about soldiers. Modi is not a magician - we need to give him time. What he is doing for us (Indian Army) is extraordinary. Before him no one had taken  care of Indian Army in this way.

That 2 hour talk with our country’s real hero urged me to think about their sacrifices & devotion towards nation.

This is the ground reality & a true story.

After the break of 1 month, today may be he is battling against another terrorist.
May god protect our brave soldiers.

-A Proud Indian

Answer Based On Personal Talk With an  Indian Army Soldier
{Can’t upload his clear photo as it could create a threat to him}
Place: Jammu Railway Station

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing