Monday 1 August 2016

Multi-faceted Sewa activities of Sewa Bharati Samiti, Rajasthan

            It is a part and parcel of Indian cultural ethos to serve humanity which is considered equivalent to service to God or  “ Nar Sewa Narayan Sewa”   as we call it.   Formally Sewa Bharati Samiti was registered in Rajasthan in 1979.  Since then, various Sewa activities under the aegis of Sewa Bharti Samiti, Rajasthan, have been going on.   In 1990, after Shri Mool Chand Lodha, Kshetra Sangathan Mantri and Shri Krishna Gopal Sisodia, Mantri, took over the charge of Sewa Bharti Samiti, Rajashthan, great strides were made in service activities in Rajasthan.  36 Zila and Mahanagar Samitis and  176 Tehsil Samitis were constituted and work on 184 projects in 114 Tehsils was started.   With a view to strengthen the tempo of Sewa Bharati activities, Rajasthan has been divided into three Prants – Jaipur, Joddhpur and Chittod under the overall supervision and guidance of Shri Shivlahiri, Kshetriya Sewa Pramukh and Patron of the Samiti, Shri Mool Chand Soni, Kshetriya Sangathan Mantri and Shri Kailash Chandra, Kshetriya Mantri.   Jaipur Prant Sangvathan Mantri Shri Ghanshyam Ji, Chittod Prant Sangathan Mantri, Shri Devendra Prakash and Jodhpur Prant Sangathan Mantri, Shri Govind Kumar are monitoring the progress of different ongoing projects. Brief description of different service activities of Sewa Bharti Samiti, Rajasthan, is  given below:-

1.       Communal riots took place twice in November 1989 and October 1990 causing loss of many lives and property worth crores of rupees.   Sewa Bharti, Jaipur Mahanagar provided quick relief by way of food packets, clothes and medicines etc,  on both these occasions.  People who were uprooted from J&K and came to Jaipur in 1990 were  accommodated in relief camps and provided food, shelter, medical facilities continuously for seven months.  Job opportunities were also created for some people.  

2.       Malaria epidemic had completely gripped several parts of Western Rajasthan in 1994-95. To deal with this natural calamity, a malaria eradication campaign was organized for about  one month from 28.9. 1994 to  20.10.94 at Pokhran, Jaisalmer.  A team of doctors from Sewa Bharati, Jodhpur also provided medical services for treatment of malaria in 65 villages of Jodhpur district.
3.       In the year 1991-92, Kulthana village in Pali district was completely devastated by the flood in Luni river in Pali district. Sewa Bharati, Rajasthan, constructed houses for 84 families, whose houses were completely destroyed by the floods, FREE OF COST, on a land allotted by the Rajasthan Government.  This complex was named as Keshav Nagar  which was inaugurated by Honble Shri Bhaurao Ji Devras, on 26.8.1991 on Guru Purnima Day.  Besides, on plots of the size  of 50x 40 sft, a room of the size of 12x10 sft and a verandah of the size of 12x9 sft  was each was made for 184 families.
4.       Reconstruction of Jamak village in Uttarkhand.  In the earthquake of 1991, Sewa Bharti immediately sent relief of Rs, 10 kajgs abd 1200 blankets .  Jamak village in Kashi district which was completed destroyed was reconstructed by Sewa Bharati, Rajasthan
5.       For the victims of earthquake that took place on 30.9.1993 in Latur and Usmanabad districts of Maharashtyra, an immediate relief of Rs. 11,57,000 was sent.
6.       In the Tsunami floods that hit Gujarat on 9.6.1998, an immediate relief of Rs. 1 lakh was sent by Sewa Bharti Rajasthan,   Again in the  earthquake that hit Gujarat on 26.1.2001, Sewa Bharti, Rajasthan immediately sent Rs. 4,80,000/- to Sewa Bharti Gujrat and Sewa Bharti Jodhpur, sent a Mobile ambulance with a team of doctors to provide medical facilities to the  victims.
7.       Pre-monsoon rains on 20th and 21 June, 1996  in western districts of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Bikaaner and Nagaur caused havoc causing loss of many lives and property worth crores of rupees.   Sewa Bharti, Rajasthan, immediately sent its first group of volunteers on 21.6.2016 with relief material look food packets, medicines and clothes.
8.       There was a devastating flood in different areas of Bharatpur district like  Sikri, Nagar. Pahari, etc. on 25th and 26th June, 1996 causing immense damage to property and heavy loss of lives.  Muslim residents around Jama Masjid area were trapped in flood waters.  Sewa Bharti volunteers immediately provide relief measures to the affected people including Muslim residents who were trapped in the flood waters.  
9.       Tsunami disaster25.4.2004 at a speed of 220 miles per hour played havoc  in Tamil Nadu.   On 25.4.2004, there was a Tsunami Havoc in Tamil Nadu at a speed of 220 miles per hour. Thousands of people perished and an equal number of people  were rendered homeless and property worth several thousand crores was destroyed.   Sewa Bharati, Rajasthan, with the help of its various units in Rajasthan, sent a sizeable amount of relief materials and money. 
10.   On 13.5.2008, in a series of eight bomb blasts, 68 persons lost their lives and 200 people were seriously injured.  On the night of 13.5.2008, volunteers of RSS and Sewa Bharti, Rajasthan, the tragedy and ensured that the injured people were taken to emergency wards in hospitals.  Dead bodies were also taken to the hospitals.  Other relief measures were also provided.  
11.  In 2006, due to very heavy rains , stairs of Gopernath temple collapsed suddenly as a result of which three persons died on the spot and 110 persons were trapped in the debris which included women and children.   There was a 6-month old child also in the debris.  All efforts were made by our volunteers and other agencies to bring out the trapped persons on the same day itself but because it had become dark, the relief operation had to be suspended.   Throughout the night, government officers and our volunteers kept a vigil and remained at the accident site.   Next day in the morning,  110 trapped people were pulled out  safely  from the debris and dropped at their houses through ambulance service.   In this work, students of the Pranini hostel played a significant role.
12. On 18.8.2008, due to very heavy rains, embankments of the Kosi river were severely damaged due to which 868 villages were submerged in flood waters, causing misery to about 26 lakh people   RSS volunteers plunged into action and provided relief in  cash and kind to the victims. Sewa Bharati had set up 21 relief camps.   All the RSB units in Rajasthan started collecting relief materials like clothes including blankets, medicines, utensils, food packets and sent them to Bihar Unit of Rashtriya Sewa Bharati. 
13. Rashtriya Sewa Bharati Samiti has organized 200 eye camps till 12.7.2015.   So far 30,175 patients have been provided  free treatment and medicines .  At a Jaipur hospital, cataract operations on 3180 patients have so far been carried out free of cost including lenses.
14. On 25.4.2014, there was a devastating  earthquake in Nepal causing unimaginable loss of life and property.   Thousands of people were killed and an equal number of people were seriously injured or dumped in the debris.   Thousands of people were rendered homeless.  Rashtriya Sewa Bharati, New Delhi, launched an immediate special relief campaign on all India basis for the victims of Nepal earthquake and ensured that the relief and rehabilitation materials were made available to the victims without any loss of time.    Rashtriya  Sewa Bharati Samiti, Rajasthan collected a sizeable amount of money and relief materials for this purpose and sent the same to RSB, New Delhi for onward transmission to the victims in Nepal. 
            Rashtriya Sewa Bharati Samiti, Rajasthan is committed to the welfare of the deprived, economically backward and very backward sections of the society so that they may progress on the path of development with self-respect and without any discrimination.
            Presently all the activities of three Prants of Rjasthan Sewa Bharati Samiti, namely, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Chittod are being carried out under the overall  guidance of Kshetriya Sewa Pramukh, Shri Mool Chand Soni and  Kshetriya Sangathan Mantri, Shri Tulsi Narain.  For timely and effective  fulfilment of its goals, Rashtriya Sewa Bharati Samiti, Rajasthan has divided Rajasthan into three Prants, i.e. Jaipur, Jodhpur and Chittod .  Under this arrangement, work on 297 schemes in Jaipur, 480 schemes in Jodhpur and 210 schemes in Chittod is going on smoothly.  

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