Thursday 1 February 2018

Appeal to PM Modi From Geeta Nargundkar ('Nabar)

Attention Friends Very Important .. Please Read & Pass on to others ASAP....                                    Appeal to PM Modi From Geeta Nargundkar ('Nabar):
Opinion of a civilian ! & supported by Mr. Lingaraj Mohanty,Advocate, Orissa High Court.
Hits the nail on the head ! All sensible Indians will definitely support this view...

*Dear P.M.*
*Shri Narendra Modi ji,*

*Namaskar !*

*Make this change and the country will recognize your leadership...*

*Life time pension accorded for one tenure of politicians - is gross injustice compared to the rest of the government servants who have to put in a minimum of 20 years of service. This is a drain on the public exchequer.*

*No one has been able to explain why young men &  women who serve in the Military for 20 years or more, risking their lives protecting our freedom get only 50% of their pay on retirement & Short Service Commissioned Officers who also risk their life for a term varying from 5-14 yrs - get ZERO retirement benefits after their assignment.*

*But Politicians who hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these very same men &  women, receive Full-Pay on retirement after serving just one term of 5 yrs. Does it make any sense ???*


*Abolish, politicians' pension for life.*

*Just like you motivated common people to give up subsidy, motivate MPs to give up numerous undeserving exorbitant perks and subsidies granted unanimously by themselves, including pension.*

*And we hope it starts with yourself... You are a great motivator...*

*Thanking you in anticipation of a favourable response,*

_Yours sincerely..._

_*[ If each person who receives this forwards it to 20 people, in 3 days, most people will have this message, and it may lead to a national campaign.*_

If you choose not to pass it on, you still have made a choice. These brave soldiers have given you that right to "freedom" for which they pay dearly...! ]

Jai HIND!...🇮🇳

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing