Thursday, 15 May 2014

BBC documentary on how Sikhs and Hindu girls are targeted by predators

Many of us may have heard about or seen the documentary already but please share and help raise awareness. Sexual grooming and conversion by Muslims is not as rife as people think. They are actively targeting Hindu and Sikh sisters AND brothers via organized networks across the country.
There have been many cases coming out recently within the Hindu community as people have started to open up a lot more and are breaking the taboo of speaking about such topics. Do not bury your head in the sand any longer and be aware of what is happening around us. Hindus and Sikhs are not just being targeted at schools, colleges and universities, but even at festivals such as Vaisakhi and Navratri. 
The documentary was initiated by Bhai Mohan Singh Khalsa of the Sikh Awareness Society. He has already done presentations to raise awareness in some our our Mandirs in London, most recently Stanmore and East London Swaminarayan Mandirs.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing