Sunday 18 May 2014

Fwd: RTE Act not applicable to minority institutions: SC

In my opinion, the judgement of the 5-member constitutional bench has opened a pandora's box. The Supreme Court has unfortunately given a open license to the 'so-called' minority institutions who can now run their educational supermarket without any fetter or regulation under the very nose of Courts and Governments.
It is a stated fact that hundreds of minority philanthropic institutions have been undertaking the noble service of providing quality education to several generations of Indians irrespective of caste, creed or religion or poverty right from the days of the British till now. They brought in education revolution in this country of unlettered and deprived.
But, unfortunately, in this last 20 years of globalised , privatised market economy, a large number of minority institutions have been taking the cover of their unfettered constitutional right, only to make good amount of money by peddling education in a brazen and unethical manner. Can the Supreme Court overlook this stark reality? Are the minority schools giving seats only to minorities? No. 
There are several so-called minority status 'EDUCATIONALISTS' who fleece their own minority students by charging huge fees and creating their own brand. Kerala and Tamil Nadu are in the forefront of such minority peddlers of schooling. This Supreme Court ruling may, in hind sight may divide India and bring in reverse discrimination. 

With this judgement, even minority colleges can now refrain from admitting students through Government counselling and need not provide any reservation or quota. 
Here after, Government cannot enter to regulate minority run schools or colleges.   Tomorrow, even if a future Government wants to put an end to private schools and usher in a common public school system, they cannot do. Common school system will remain a distant dream.  It looks like the door for future reforming of Educational sector has been permanently and firmly shut.  Very depressing indeed and feels discouraged. 

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing