Sunday 18 May 2014

Theory of Evolution

The scientific theory of evolution states that life on earth began as single-celled organisms and later developed into multi-celled beings. Moreover, the theory further states that aquatic creatures came into existence first. Then came amphibians that could exist in water as well as on land. Land-dependent animals and airborne birds followed the amphibians. Finally, human beings completed the cosmic drama of creation.
As if to explain this theory of evolution, Indian mythology says that first there was only primeval water which covered the earth like a flood.
1.      Vishnu's first incarnation as a fish (Matsya) indicated the first appearance of life in theaquatic form.
2.      His second incarnation as a tortoise (Koorma) represented the amphibian stage.
3.      The boar (Varaha) manifestation in his third incarnation stood for the stage of animal life on land.
4.      The transition from animals to humans was beautifully advanced by a concept of half-man-half-lion (Narasimha) in the fourth incarnation.
5.      Vishnu’s fifth incarnation showed the further march of evolution – the appearance of early homo
       sapiens, symbolised by the dwarf Vamana.
6.      Then, tall but violent savages wielding weapons walked the earth. Parashuram was that violent axe-bearing sixth incarnation. Evolution had by now definitely entered the human stage, and the human form and mind were getting more and more refined, first in the moral sense and then in the spiritual.
7.      Rama, the seventh incarnation in the human form was an example of rectitude, courage and morality.
8.      Krishna, the eighth incarnation in the human form who originated the Bhagvad Gita, was the philosopher, the teacher of the world.
9.      Gautama, the Buddha, the ninth incarnation, was closest to nirvana, moksha or salvation. And
10.     Kalki, the tenth incarnation, yet to manifest itself, would be the ultimate terminator who would finish the evolutionary process in one mighty holocaust.

There is NO difference between modern scientific theory of evolution & the Indian ancient scriptures Vedas written more then 5000 years ago. 

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