Sunday, 18 May 2014

Fwd: Uday - 99% physical disability, 200% mental ability - extra-ordinary talent

Dear Friends,
Udayakumar (aged 40) is a great artist, a differently abled person with extra-ordinary talent. Even as he was a child, he was afflicted with MASCULAR DYSTROPHY.  But on account of his grit and determination, he managed to reach up to matriculation, way back in 1990. But, for the past many years, he is bedridden and he can only move just 2 fingers, that too very little. He can hardly be audible while speaking. He takes only liquid diet for the past many years, because his throat and mouth and internal muscles don't work. His mother makes a banana milkshake, which has been his feed-stock. If it is rice or dhal diet, it has to be put in a mixie, made into a liquid and poured into the throat. He has totally shrunk into a small body. but, he is a living wonder.

His aged father and mother have been somehow maintaining him and protecting him. But, because they have to physically shift him, brush him, bathe him, feed him, dress him, etc, their health has also deteriorated. 38 years of battling with him has taken a toll on his mother. She has extreme condition of osteoarthritis and her bones have also degenerated and goes through unimaginable trauma in protecting him with passion. Its an extra-ordinary love story and bonding between mother and a son. She has been advised total knee replacement by surgeons which the poor family cannot afford.  It is a matter of time before mother Shanthakumari becomes bed-ridden, according to my assessment. Then, there will be nobody to take care of Uday, if at all this twisted bundle of talent continues to live as he is a lively being. 

With just his two fingers, he has done so many remarkable paintings - water colour, oil on canvass, acrylic etc. He has done lot of landscape, Seascape, Abstracts and  horses. 'Horse' has been his regular theme, may be because of his profound disability. He is so knowledgeable about paintings and painters.  He is a class-apart and talented.   Three years ago, I brought Actor Sivakumar to his house to meet with him. Sivakumar was very happy to spend time with him and Udayakumar cherishes the visit of this VIP. Sivakumar arranged for an exhibition of his paintings along with another event. That was once.(Unfortunately, I don't have any soft copy of his paintings, now)

That's it. But, before and after this, his life has been event-less and unbelievably lonely. His only contact with fellow beings is through television. There have not been any visitors to his home. Now, there are some simple but urgent tasks that can be done to assist this extra-ordinary talent, before it is too-late. Please understand that Udayakumar has mascular disability of 99%.  But, his brain works 200%, that too overtime.  His room is like a prison and he has hardly moved out of his bed for the past several years. 

I suggest friends to just visit him and get astonished by seeing his paintings. All that needs to keep him alive and do few more paintings before fate catches up with him inevitably is just companionship and a word of encouragement. May be, someone can come forward to catalog his paintings, frame them, document them and even put up exhibitions and sale, if possible. That can help his family for their medical expenses for mother and son. And the outside world can know and appreciate his unbelievable artistic talent. Please spread the word about him. And if you are feeling low, a visit to Uday's house and seeing his paintings will charge your batteries.

Udayakumar lives in the following address. 

Udyakumar, s/o V.Shanthakumari, 225, St.Antony Nagar, Kallikuppam, Ambattur, Chennai - 53. mobile: 8754495903.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing