Monday 16 June 2014

Deen Daya Seva Trust,Thodupuzha ,Dist: Idukki ,Kerala

Deen Daya Seva Trust (Regn. No. 45/2000)
K.G. Sukumaran Memorial Building,Temple Road Thodupuzha ,Dist: Idukki  685584, Kerala
Phone: (Off.)-04862-220102, 229430 Secy-9746830803

The Beginning….

We the Deena Daya Seva Trust is a service oriented organization started functioning in April 2000 at Thodupuzha. By the grace of God, almost all Social activities initiated by the Trust duringthe last 14 years are widely accepted and appreciated by the general public. Indeed, we are obliged to the magnanimity of the like minded people for who, whole heartedly had supported our different projects.
 From the inception of the Trust, we desired to start a rehabilitation centre. We had in our mind, a different concept about such a centre. It should not be a mere shelter for the weak and destitute, but a man making centre concentrating on the overall development of the inmates, cultivating in them confidence and optimism. For the realization of such a glorious dream, we started the orphanage “Gokulam Bala Bhavan” in the year 2005.

The Support……

Deena Daya Seva Trust is striving to provide support to the life of the poor and downtrodden, who are Socially and economically backward. The people themselves have become the instruments of the change with the Trust playing the role of a Councillor/Adviser. Trust has involved itself in all aspects of rural life – education, agricultural development and growth of allied activities.

The Objectives……

·         To provide development support to the locality irrespective of caste, colour & creed.
·         To rehabilitate those who are expelled from their houses due to deadly diseases and similar issues
·         To initiate studies on the problems of the destitute and the downtrodden in the locality and to frame projects for their welfare.
·         To carry out awareness sessions and programmes for the development of the region.
·         To prepare the community to reduce the risks associated with natural calamities and to offer relief at time of calamities.
·         To provide career enhancement programmes and mentoring support to the youths in the region
·         To offer special programmes to the welfare of the tribal community
·         To build and run sanatoriums, ambulance services, educational institutions, job training centers
·         To offer primary education to the deprived children due to various problems.
·         To implement Social development projects and programmes with support from government and non governmental agencies.
 We are seeking help and support from like minded, good hearted people around us to materialize our Mission.
CEO, Mobile. + 9447 42 15 47


To be with the lost and the least



Create opportunities at the door steps of the villagers for the continuous self-improvement in the quality of their lives by generating their leadership in solving their problems & utilizing their resources most effectively


Trust envisages a mission of spreading unconditional love and care beyond all man made barriers and aspires to bring peace, happiness. Trust stands to wipe out the tears of abandoned and destitute masses in the neighbourhood with the support of the local community.

Gokulam Bala Bhavan:
Gokulam Bala bhavan was launched in a rented Building at Kolani on the 11th April 2005. Apart from the traditional approach of orphanage, we have provided the atmosphere of a home away from home. Abandoned children and children from the vulnerable poor families are admitted to this Child welfare centre. They are offered education, good food and clothing.
 …….We had managed to purchase 50 cents of land at Kolani with the help of like minded people who supports us and the foundation stone of Gokulam Bala Bhavan building was laid in this site on the 8th of May 2009 by the tech stalwart Shri. Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO Infosys. The construction of this building is ongoing and once completed,better services to the children can be provided.
Can we neglect them?
….With the aim of giving protection and providing a dignified life to such children, Deena Daya Seva Trust started an orphanage "Gokulam Bala Bhavan" at Kolani, Thodupuzha. The victims of cruel fate are cared for here with love and kindness .We give them shelter, food, clothing, medical care and education. We fill their hearts with hopes and joy. We aim to transform them as worthy citizens of Mother India with strong respect for our culture and heritage.
How you can help them?
There are several auspicious occasions in your family. It can be a birthday, a house warming ceremony, marriage anniversary or it can be the wedding ceremony of your son or daughter. We also observe the death anniversary of our beloved ones with rites and feasts. When you spend huge amounts for such rituals and celebrations, be kind enough to spare a small part of the expenses for the upkeep ofGokulam Bala Bhavan.Consider them as the neglected poor members of your family and show charity to them.
We propose an Endowment scheme for the benefit of the children of Gokulam Bala Bhavan .You can deposit certain amount in the Endowment scheme and the interest accrued on that deposit will be used for the benefit of the inmates of Bala Bhavan. You can donate to this scheme to commemorate with love and gratitude the fond memories of your loved ones who are no more. It can be a valuable gift for the inmates of Gokulam Bala Bhavan.

Ambulance Service:

Trust operates an Ambulance service powered by the STATE BANK OF TRAVANCORE, to serve for the benefit of the community. The service rendered is free to the poor families who are incapable to meet the charges of private operators. The new Ambulance was flagged off by Mr.Pradeep Chowdary, Co-Chairman, SBI-SBT, on 27th May 2013.

Palliative care unit:

The TRUST is embarking upon a new mission…The life style diseases and fatal diseases like Cancer are on the rise among all sections of the society. More than anything else destitute and people who are terminally ill need a healing touch. Government machinery has introduced Pain and Palliative care units at Municipal and Panchayath levels.
But they find it difficult to cope with the ever increasing number of patients. It is this felt need that have prompted us to launch a pain and palliative care unit. We intent to avail off the service of trained Nurses to arrange home care units and offer palliative treatment to those who are terminally ill and to those who can not afford hospitalisation.

Women empowerment & Health awareness

Deena Daya Social Development society:

Self Help Groups (SHG) are the catalyst in the community development. Deen Daya Social Development Society is the federating agency of the Self Help Groups. Aim of the trust is to form a women self cooperative society. More than 1000 women with the motive of working together have joined the self help groups.
 Societies are jointly undertaking income generation programmes and at present there are around 22 SHGs running successfully. Micro Credit Programmes are the added attraction of these societies. Society is in the forefront of the development activities in association with the government departments of the region.
Environment friendly Eco bags for eliminating plastic, is the flag ship project of the SHG’s which was launched in association with the Thodupuzha Municipality, Merchants Association, and the Lions Club of Thodupuzha..This project is running healthy with the co operation of the general public.

Health Awareness Programmes & Services :

Trust is also concentrating more on health communications. A series of medical camps and health awareness programmes have been conducted to the community in the yester years. Camps were organized in the interior villages to focus more on the services to the scheduled castes and tribes.

Medical Camps:

In order to ensure a Cataract Free Society, in association with the eye hospitals, Trust organises medical camps for the early detection of diseases and provides free treatment. General medical camps are conducted every year in rural villages with limited transportation, Medical and Education facilities.

Social commitments

Adopt a Granny Programme:

One of the sincere efforts of the Trust is the financial assistance offered to the poor elders from the Thodupuzha locality.
We started this charity programme at the time of the inception of the trust. The financial assistance offered to the elders helps them to meet their medicinal and survival needs. In the form of pension, Trust is providing a pension package for the identified elders and cancer patients.

Marriage Assistances:

Trust, from the time since inception is offering marriage assistance. Usually brides from poor families are provided financial assistance under this section. Mangalya Nidhi the brand name itself propagates the concept. Usually financially sound parents of newlyweds offers donations to the Trust and through this fund Trust is providing assistance to the poor girls.

Deena Daya Poverty relief programmes:

Trust is offering food to the poor on special occasions. At times of mass gathering in Thodupuzha due to religious or other purpose, society
provides free food for them. Some families in the vicinity of Thodupuzha with none to take care is been
 offered free provision supply.
With all these above initiatives, implementing of welfare programmes and services for women in need and distress, differently abled and mentally challenged persons, women and children, destitute, orphans and neglected street children, and provides social security for the aged and destitute through a network of organizations, residential institutions and non-institutional schemes Trust is moving to its 2nd phase of completion of the proposed building at Kolani Site.

Academic Support:Educational Support:

We support all the educational needs of our children. Once we accept a child into our Trust, their fees, books, stationery items, school bags, school uniforms including shoes and socks are borne by us. Children can study according to their skills, whatever field they want and we support them till they are gainfully employed.

Building independent study skills is another important aspect of our educational programmes. In some cases we have noticed that the children find it difficult to cope with mainstream curriculum. They end up failing in class exams thus leading to a further lowering of self-esteem and problem behaviour. Hence, we are providing constant support to these children. They get special coaching in their talents and we hope to get them suitable jobs that focus on these trained talents.

Career Development Programmes:

Trust in association with institutions such as Nehru Yuva Kendra has organised various career development programmes to the youth in the region. National integration programmes are offered once in a year.
Non-profit day-care – CRECHES:
The day care industry is a continuum from personal parental care to large, regulated institutions.Considerable research accumulated showing that not-for-profits are much more likely to produce the high quality environments in which children thrive. The Trust is planning to initiate for crèches.
Child welfare Centre:
DDST- Deen Daya Seva Trust is entrusted for the Formal Education & Informal Education of the children as a part of their new phase enhancement.
The 2nd phases of the proposed plan also include the rehabilitation of the street children, which includes the Services such as Health, Nutrition, and Non-Formal Education & Vocational Training etc. are provided in this project.
As we all know the fact that the consumption of drugs is increasing day by day in our society and in order to evacuate this habit of consumption we are planning to bring out some orientation activities in the society.
The mission of the organisation is the rehabilitation of addicts through counselling, treatment on indoor basis, follow up services, family counselling, and providing vocation training becoming themselves reliant and lead the life peacefully with a status in the society.
The organisation also aims to make the total de-addiction of the addicts by solving their personal family problems in a view that the de-addict should not turn to addiction.
Orientation of centre’s activities:
• Explaining the activities of the centre to the clients and families so that they know the facilities and limitation of the services available in the centre.
• The right of the clients will be displayed in the centre.
• Intake interview: About is drug history/health and social behaviours. This is a lengthy process and may not be completed in one session
• Medical Investigations are done to rule out any medical complications before drug treatment. If found other medical complication he is advised to undergo those treatment first.
• Awareness programme for addicts for AIDS awareness and prevention.
• We intend to innovate counselling centres for their rehabilitation.
Old age homes are meant for aged, physically and mentally retarded and infirm senior citizens who are unable to stay with their families or are destitute. Apart from food, shelter and medical amenities, old age homes also provide meditation & yoga classes to senior citizens.
 Old age homes also provide access to telephones and other forms of communication so that residents may keep in touch with their loved ones. Some old age homes have day care centers. These centers only take care of senior citizens during the day. For older people who have nowhere to go and no one to support them, old age homes provide a safe haven.
 These homes also create a family like atmosphere among the residents. Senior citizens experience a sense of security and friendship when they share their joys and sorrows with each other.
The objective of these classes are run for the help of the children of poor parents, who cannot help the child in his study due to their illiteracy.
Programmes of Deena Daya Social Development Society:
·         Problems faced by Womenfolk.
·         Empowerment of women and children.
·         Awareness Programmes to Women.
·         Rural housing and providing shelter for the poor.
·         Vocational Training in Tailoring for unemployed rural poor women.
·         Educational and Health Development of Children.
·         Prevention of HIV/AIDS- A Collaborative Programme with NGO.

The Genesis….

Established by a set of philanthropists in the year 2000, Deena Daya Seva Trust (DDST) is now in the 13th year of service to the rural community in and around Idukki District. Trust is committed to deliver handholding support to the poorest of the region through various programmes. We provide various social, educational, and vocational programmes for the poor to empower them and to lead a dignified life independently. The Trust aims to cut across man made barriers, to transcend the differences of gender, country, caste, creed and colour.
It is our objective to reach out to as many people we can, to make whatever humane difference possible, to assist them to lead their lives with dignity and purpose. It is in the midst of a world increasingly driven by self-interest, that we intend to carve out an oasis of peace and tranquillity, where people would be encouraged to give up their selfish motives to pursue the realization of the love innate in every human being. Hence our greater accent on the development of the inner world is an appreciation of one’s authentic inner beauty which in turn can radiate and reflect on the outside, rendering the world around us much more beautiful too.

Deena Daya Seva Trust,

Reg.No. 45/2000,
Adv. K .G. Sukumaran Memorial Building,
Temple Road,
Thodupuzha, Idukki District,
Kerala, India.
Pin 685 584.
Contact Nos: 04862-220102
Mobile.   + 9447 42 15 47, + 9496 82 75 05.


Bank accounts details:

Name: Deenadaya Seva Trust.

For Indian Rupee transactions:

Union Bank Of India, Thodupuzha branch
Account Number. 338002010013037
IFSC Code: UBINO 533807


For Foreign Currency (FCRA) Transactions:

Axis Bank, Thodupuzha branch.

Account Number. 911010019318624
IFSC: UTIB 0000393
MICR :68211002
 Sec 80G – All donations paid to trust are eligible for income tax exemption.

Deena Daya Trust Registered – FCRA Regd.  No. 052940088 for receiving foreign funds

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing