Friday 25 July 2014

Tasmac liquor shops in Tamil Nadu - avoidable evil



Dear Sir,
Nandini Voice For The Deprived organised an essay competition on “ Are TASMAC shops in Tamil Nadu necessary evil or avoidable evil ?”

There was good response for the competition from the citizens all over Tamil Nadu. 

The following  five persons were awarded prize in the competition.

*    Ms.Manimekalai Ganesan, Chennai

*    Mr.J.Vigneshkumar, Sivakasi

*    Mr.S.Shanmugasundaram, Minnampalli, Karur District

*    Mr.K.Veerasathya Ramaswami, Chinnamannur, Theni District

*    Mr.Atul Alexander, Chennai

It is clearly evident that there is considerable anger and frustration amongst the people that Government of Tamil Nadu is promoting the sale of liquor through TASMAC shops, unmindful of the serious harm that is now being done to the social fabric of the state and which is disturbing the family harmony and discipline amongst the youth.

There is overwhelming view that TASMAC shops in Tamil Nadu are avoidable evil and the Tamil Nadu government is entirely responsible for permitting this evil.

Highlights of the views of the participants  are given in this article.

Concern of the parents

Many parents have expressed deep anguish that the liquor culture is fast spreading in Tamil Nadu amongst the young students. Several parents said that they are helplessly watching their sons who are students, taking to liquor habit.

They say that they are unable to discipline their sons and daughters, as the government itself has provided the sanction of the law for liquor consumption and the government itself is selling liquor. Drinking liquor is no more an illegal activity and several students consume liquor freely , particularly those staying in hostels.

Loss of reputation for Tamil Nadu

The state of Tamil Nadu is now being derisively described as “Land of TASMAC”  as Tamil Nadu has the highest liquor consumption and sale in the country. 

As government of Tamil Nadu itself actively promotes the liquor sale by opening TASMAC shops in every nook and corner of the state and opening liquor shops in the malls to cater to the requirement of the rich, Tamil Nadu has lost the reputation as a state upholding traditional values and protecting the family culture as well as ensuring discipline amongst citizens.

Mr. C.N.Annadurai would not have done this

Recognising the fact that prohibition was lifted and liquor consumption was actively promoted in Tamil Nadu only by dravidian parties (DMK  & ADMK ), many have said that Mr.C.N.Annadurai, (popularly known as Anna) would not have lifted prohibition and opened TASMAC shops.

When he became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 1967, he clearly said that he was against this evil. During a debate in the Assembly, one member stated that toddy was good for health and atleast toddy may be allowed in the state. In reply, Mr.C.N.Annadurai suggested to the member to bring a  medical report proving that toddy was good for health and then he would consider the member’s suggestion. But, no one produced such medical report.

Tamil Nadu government has no respect for the views of Tiruvalluvar, Gandhiji , Periyar and Anna

The great saint Tiruvalluvar has stressed the importance of avoiding liquor consumption under the chapter “Kallunnamai” 

Mahatma Gandhi said very strongly that if he were to be the dictator for one day, he would have closed down all the liquor shops in one stroke.  Mr.C.N.Annadurai repeatedly stressed the need for avoiding liquor consumption.  Periyar  (Mr.E.V.Ramaswamy ) advocated prohibition.

The dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu who swear by the name of Periyar and Anna have ignored  the advice of these great sons of Tamil Nadu. Obviously, the ministers in the Tamil Nadu government  do not show the respect that these leaders deserve, apart from garlanding their statues on their birthdays and death anniversaries and  posing for the photographs.

Why not the Tamil Nadu government remove the photographs of Gandhiji , Periyar and Anna from the government offices and secretariat, since it is acting in a way totally contradictory to their preachings?

Sex crimes, violence, murders and accidents :

The widespread liquor consumption in the state has directly contributed to the rapid increase of murders, assault on women, sex crimes and road accidents.

Not a day passes without drunken men beating their wives  and indulging in violence and murders. The entire social fabric of the state has undergone a deep change for the worst.

The disturbing and nauseating news of drunken teachers molesting the girl students, drunken father mis behaving with his daughters and drunken men causing accidents and killing the innocent passers by on the roads have become too frequent.

With the liquor consumption increasing in the state at alarming level of around  20 percent  per annum, Tamil Nadu’s future itself has become a question mark.

Reflection on lack of will of Tamil Nadu government and show of incompetence

The Tamil Nadu government gives the false excuse that it is running TASMAC shops only to avoid illicit liquor. Nobody buys this explanation in the state today.

It is obvious that the Tamil Nadu government lacks the will to enforce prohibition and does not care about the serious adverse impact and sufferings caused to the people, particularly women and children in the lower income group.

Obviously, Tamil Nadu government is concerned only about the huge liquor income that enable it to continue with the freebies schemes, that help it to buy peace with the poor people and keep the vote bank in tact. 

By better governance and launching of productive and forward looking projects and promoting economic and industrial growth in the real sense of the term, the government’s income by way of taxes can go multifold. Liquor income is not necessary.

But, to do this , competent and efficient governance is necessary.

Nandini Voice For The Deprived

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing