Thursday 3 July 2014


Via: Amardeep, London, UK

I am not sure this is the right forum. But I totally agree. However, we have to begin the discussion somewhere.

Visa fees for UK Indians are extremely high, that too when they are visiting their own homeland.

Another point I found very frustrating is that a visa application to India can be rejected if the photo is not a 2 inch by 2 inch (square) photograph. 

If you look at the standard passport photograph size of any country, they are all the same. So why does the Indian high commission make it extra work for people applying for a visa? All of the self-service photo machines in UK produce only the standard size passport photos. This means anyone applying for an Indian visa has to go to a photographer studio just for a passport photo. It's ridiculous.

OFBJP-USA and we are want to working towards this.

Rather in indulging in eloquent talk, do something for the nation of
India and Indian Nationals anywhere. 

The process of getting a Visa to India by many settled in US and
perhaps elsewhere is the most horrendous experience in one's life.

Make it an efficient process.  Do practical things that make India
stand out both in terms as a tourist spot, a reunion of family and a
welcome place.

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Note: Dear Friends….Excuse any mistake in my writing