Monday 24 February 2014

Moulding character through service - Vaidehi Seva Samiti (Andhra Pradesh)

Moulding character through service - Vaidehi Seva Samiti (Andhra Pradesh) 


Children moving around with untidy and scantly clad clothes, open drain overflowing, this is the common scene when one visits the unlimited slums irrespective of their geographical locations. Such unhygienic setting spreads disease and robs the slum dwellers of their precious hard-earn income. Also one more observation made by Seva bharathi volunteers is that any activity can sustain only if it is taken up and owned by the local people. Even after half a century of freedom we have such slums in the cities which should be engines of development. But they today end up as undeveloped islands of poverty, diseases and unemployment.

There are an approximate 400 and odd slums in the twin cities, after a detailed survey and observative study is the Vaidehi Kishori Vikas Yojana. The scheme shall have its administrative headquarters at Vaidehi Seva samithi, Saidabad and launched by Sri Sitaram Kedaliya, Akhila bharatha Seva pramukh in Jan ‘05. This is an effort to bring self reliance, health, education and awareness to the young and the old alike in the slums. The young volunteers in the age group 12-18 and especially girls shall be selected and trained, to equip them with information as well as the motivation to be the catalyst for the change.

In the first phase of the scheme 25 youth are selected and trained in Vocational skills, informal schooling, literacy campaigns, health and hygiene, good food habits and diet, Simple physical work out including Yoga. Simple educative and entertaining stories, songs, folk arts etc., are also part of volunteers training. The scheme demands 3 hours of daily volunteering when he / she shall make 3 visits to the allotted slums. The young volunteer goes about building relationships as well as bridges towards development and shall grow as a nucleus for development activities.

There are 6 matajis (wardens) to look after and to care the ashram girls.7/8 retired voluntaries will come to ashram daily and share the work of the ashram .One will see the education of the children, one will maintain the accounts, the other will take care the health of the children, purchases provisions, stationery etc and they receive the guest show the building and the ashram girls and explain them about they secrete work of Vaidehi Ashram.
Out of total 112 girls 22 girls are college students .The elder girls of our ashram who are studying college also share the duties of ashram. There also help them in their studies and preparing food and other necessary works.
           On 15th August 2013 one of the ashram girl named P.Umadevi who has completed her diploma, MBA married to Shravan  completed his B.Tech and working as a Software Engineer in TCS. With this 17 marriages are performed in the ashram.

Vaidehi Seva Samiti was started in Hyderabad in 1993. The prime objective has been to adopt the girls from 5-9 years of age who have no family and no shelter. It brings them up in a very congenial atmosphere assuring them love and affection which they rightly deserve. The Samiti develops in them a sense of patriotism and discipline and a feeling of love for life and values. A respect for Bharatiya culture and traditions is also inculcated among them. Finally they are provided with all the opportunities and help E lead a decent life.

To achieve these objectives a small Ashram with 3 rooms was started in 1993. Later, with donations from the society, the Samiti built its own three-story building which can accommodate 150 girls in the premises of 1750 sq. yards at Saraswati Nagar in Hyderabad.Presently the Vaidehi Seva Samiti runs three major projects—Vaidehi Ashram (Nirashrita Balika Vasati Griham), Vaidehi Kishori Vikas Yojana, (Development Project for Adolescent Girls of Slums) and Vaidehi Mahila Vikas Yojana (Development Project for Poor and Neglected Women).

All these projects are managed by separate Executive Bodies constituted by the Samiti. Vaidehi Seva Samiti has been recognised by the Women and Child Welfare Department of Andhra Pradesh Government.

One of the girls is studying in 3rd year, one in B.Sc final year, one in nursing and one is practicing weight lifting in a reputed sports school of Vijayawada. Three girls have completed diploma in civil engineering and are doing apprentice. The other six girls are studying in Polytechnic Colleges in Hyderabad, Suryapet and Nizamabad. Apart from this formal education they are also taught fine arts like music, painting, dance and handicrafts like embroidery, tailoring, screen printing. Physical exercises like Karate, yogasan and Surya Namaskar are regularly. 66 The girls are imparted training for overall development and to enable theni to be responsible citizens of the country. They are not only educated and trained but are also provided with sufficient opportunities to lead an independent life. The Ashram has also taken the responsibility to arrange and conduct the marriage of the grown up girls.

They are also exposed to special personality courses conducted by eminent persons. Daily one hour shakha of Rashtra Sevika Samiti is also held which helps them to acquire courage, patriotism and attitude of service to others. Thus, the residents of the Ashram are given training for overall development and enable them to be responsible citizens of the country. The girls are not only educated and trained but are also provided with sufficient opportunities to lead an independent life. The Ashram has also taken the responsibility to arrange and conduct marriages of the grown up girls. As of now the Ashram has taken care of marriages of 10 Ashram girls during the last ten years.

Vaidehi Kishori Vikas Yojna Under this project, 50 slum areas have been selected to impart training in various aspects to adolescent girls with special emphasis on education, health and hygiene, cultural development and samskars. This training helped them starting self-employment. Vaidehi Mahila Vikas Yojna Under this project, economically deprived women are imparted various kinds of training like computer, fashion designing, embroidery work, etc. so as to make them economically self-reliant. Telugu Association of Metro Atlanta (TAMA) conducted a scholarship examination on June 28, 2009. It awarded scholarship to 21 Ashram girls. This programme was attended by several dignitaries and eminent persons. Board members of an organisation of retired IAS and IFS officers visited the Ashram on July 26, 2009. They sponsored one year education expenses of nine girls of the Ashram studying polytechnic.

The Ashram is frequently visited by doctors from various medical colleges to guide and help maintain the health of the Ashram girls. Annual function Annual function is organised every year.

All visitors and donors are invited in the function. As of now 17, such functions have been conducted. These events are presided over by high profile people like High Court judges, IAS and IPS Officers, philanthropist's etc. In the event, vocal, cultural and patriotic performances are given by the Ashram girls. Yogasan and Karate abilities of girls are also demonstrated. The iperformances are applauded and appreciated by one and all.

Grand daughters perform last rites of Granny
Daughters are still regarded as burden in some families. They take the birth of a girl in the family as a curse. Majority of the people feel that girls cannot perform any ritual. hi such an atmosphere, performing last rites of grand mother by the grand daughters is an admirable step in the male-dominated society. In order to establish the involvement of girls in rituals, the last journey of grand mother was taken out on the shoulders of the grand daughters in Gaya, Bihar.

People wish for a son due to superstitions and male-dominance in the society. But now some people have started a campaign to change this mentality. When Sugia Devi (86) of Vidhi village under Barachatti police station (Gaya district) died, her last rites were performed by her two grand daughters. Sugia Devi was the mother of Prof. Ramkrishna Yadavv.

He encouraged his two daughters Neelam and Swikriti to perform the last rites. They not only carried the dead body on their soldiers but also performed the last rites. All family members of Prof. Yadav were present at that time. There are some families who indulge in foeticide due to superstitions. Prof. Yadav shows the way by allowing his daughters to perform last rites of his mother. Before inspiring others he started this campaign from his own house. 

Contact Address:
Vaidehi Seva Samithi Regd.No.4559/1997
Door No. 17-1-473/v/3&4,
Beside Sri Saraswati Sishu Mandir High School,
Krishna Nagar, Saidabad,HYDERABAD -500059,
State: Andhra Pradesh
Cont-K.Balkrishnaiah Secy 9440667595, 040-24075544, 9032152105, 9440667495,
B.Sunder Reddy Pres.-9440813620. ,Treas. P. Prakash Rao- 9866181573
Email: ,

A Donor Comments on Visiting Vaidehi

”All girls are well dressed, appeared to be very happy and looked to be well treated. These children possessed excellent self- confidence in themselves and in their future”

Vaidehi Ashram run by Sevabharati is an affection home (when all of us are hero to care of them, who can dare to call it an orphanage) for the destitute Girls.

Children start their day at 5:30 am with fresh-up and chanting their morning hymns in a single tone. Then at 6:30 am a small physical workout with a blend of yoga and exercise. Then they get ready to school with their lunch box.
Again at 4:45 pm the ashram comes alive with the children’s playfulness. At 5:30 pm they come out after their snacks for a drill and games. Then at 8:00pm they sit for dinner, later homework and study hour. At 10pm lights off with the chant of shanti mantra.

Vocational training in lamination, crafts, candle making, painting, making of jute-bags, stitching and embroidery is imparted. Last but not the least, the girls are trained in self defence.

Donate to Vaidehi Seva Samithi

Online donations Donate to Vaidehi Seva Samithi only

 (Please do mail at , so that they can send you official receipt)

For Foreign Donations only:
SBH A/C No. 52199469853 
Dilsukhnagar Branch, 
IFSC Code. SBHY0020269 

For Local Donations :
Canara Bank A/c No.281810100609,
Saidabad, Jayanagar branch,
Hyderabad - 500059.

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